A Virtual Tour of the improvements funded by your pledge to the Capital Campaign
The design of the Pulpit no longer reflects our spirit of service. Listen to our Ministers explain planned changes to the Sacristy.
The hub of social activities at the Church, Brenda Bryant explains upgrades planned for the Kitchen.
A symbol of South Church to the community, the steeple is in need of repair. Listen to Al Joyall talk about repairs planned to be funded as part of the Capital Campaign.
Sanctuary Pews and Windows
The pews in the front of the Sanctuary will be reconfigured as part of our plans. The windows in the Sanctuary are also in need of repair. arty Mason explains how the Sanctuary will be improved to meet our needs.
Sustainability is a big part of our planned upgrades as part of the Capital Campaign. Bill Schroder explains what is being done as part of this effort to put us on a path to decarbonization
Fire Suppression
The installation of sprinklers are planned to be funded as part of the Capital Campaign.
We want to hear from you
Plan on attending a feedback sessions or in person building tours
Feedback Sessions 11AM in the Library or via Zoom
- September 8th
- October 13th
- October 20th
- October 27th

In person Building Tours
- Wednesday September 25th 6PM
- Sunday September 29th. 11AM
What comes to mind when you think about South Church?
“Outward Facing, Nurturing, Forward Thinking, Inclusive, Welcoming, Deeply Faithful”
Congregation Survey October 2023
Contact Us

In person, look for one of the Capital Campaign Members wearing this button at Church.

Via email, send email to capital@southchurch.com

Online, join one of Our Zoom sessions in October